First Unit Test:
25 Marks test (multiple choice questions)
First Terminal Exam:
50 Marks theory exam for all subjects including bifocal subjects
50 Marks practical exam for bifocal subjects only
(students opting for bifocal will appear for 100 marks terminal exam)
Second unit test:
25 Marks test (multiple choice questions)
Second terminal exam:
100 Marks Exam
- 70 Marks theory exam and 30 marks practical/project (for physics, chemistry and biology).
- 80 Marks theory exam and 20 marks orals (for languages).
- 80 Marks theory exam and 20 marks practical for mathematics and statistics (science & commerce)
- 80 Marks theory exam and 20 marks practical for information technology (arts,science &commerce)
- 80 Marks theory exam and 20 marks project (for all commerce and arts subjects).
- 20% of the questions in the second terminal exam will be based on the first term syllabus.
50 Marks exam in each term
- 25 Marks written exam will be conducted during the first and second unit test.
- 25 Marks practical in each term.
- The average marks obtained by the student will be converted into grades and displayed on the final marksheet issued to the student for the academic year.
Project and essay submission in each term.
(Total 50 marks for each term)
- 30 Marks project and 20 marks essay/journal has to be submitted in each term by every student
- The average marks obtained by the student will be added to the total marks scored by the student in the academic year.